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A reminder

Dear Erin Manning,

As you may be aware, the majority of courses offered at Concordia are being evaluated online. The online evaluations for the courses noted below will start and end on the following dates:

FMST 448/2 A 2017 ADV. SEMINAR IN ART & FILM  (from 14-November-2017 to 04-December-2017)  

We would like to ask you to remind and encourage your students, during lecture time and at your earliest convenience, to complete this online questionnaire, which is accessible through MyConcordia portal. You will also be able to see the percentage of students who have completed the questionnaire for each course that you teach on MyConcordia Portal. 
We would like to stress that the online questionnaire is exactly the same as the questionnaire previously distributed in class and that only the method of delivery changed.

We thank you sincerely for your collaboration.


Centre for Teaching and Learning
Concordia University


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